MicroCapture software wont exit/close unless microscope is unplugged.

Hi. My company Uses the veho Discovery VMS-001 and on all computers that run the software the program wont exit/close properly, it simply freezes and even the windows task manager wont close it, all computers are running 16gb or ram and windows 7. Only after the microscope is unplugged will the program close. Any Ideas? !](https://d2r1vs3d9006ap.cloudfront.net/s3_images/1627530/image1_inline.JPG?1501179768)](https://d2r1vs3d9006ap.cloudfront.net/s3_images/1627530/image1.JPG?1501179768)

Hi Matthews,

We’re only able to provide support for our Plugable brand of products. (The microscope you mention is a competitor of ours.)

If you’re having issues with their product, they will be the people best able to help.
