Mac OSX driver

I checked on the link for USB3 E1000 adapter and found out that it has no driver for Mac OSX. But I found some postings here, that mentioned driver for Mac but no links provided or link is not working. Could somebody please provide me with a link that wold work on OSX 10.15.7 aka Catalina? Thank you and GOD bless.

Hello Thirdy,

Thanks for reaching out to us about this. I’m sorry for the trouble, and I’d be glad to help you. May I ask what link that was? I’d like to check up on it and see if the info is up to date.

We have a new driverset that is rated for 10.15 and above that you can download from this link: These drivers were released by ASIX primarily for issues with their chipset and Big Sur 11.x. We haven’t seen any issues on Catalina reported from other customers, but we also haven’t tested this extensively for Catalina systems. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you,

Product Owner
Plugable Support

Hello Kevin.

Thank you for the quick response.

Here’s the link of conversation that has supposedly the driver link but does not work.

I tried it on my Catalina and it says it should be 11.x and up. So, I was not able to proceed. Any other options?

Thanks once again for the response.

GOD bless.

Hello Thirdy,

Thanks for the reply and the further detail. This is an older support article. Just so I am clear, you have tried to download and install the link that I sent you, and that’s when you got the message?

Are you able to take a screen shot of the complete message to post? Depending on the message there may be actions we can take. Again as these drivers were released primarily for Big Sur, we’ve seen the best results with the most recent version 11.4. I do understand if upgrading the OS isn’t something you’d like to do.

Was this a recent purchase from Amazon? If it was you may want to return the adapter to Amazon. We do have other adapters that use Realtek Chipsets and drivers that are already built into macOS:

These adapters are more suited for Catalina 10.15.x. I hope this helps, and Iook forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you,

Plugable Support

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