Lenovo x13 Yoga Gen 2 - UD-3900PDZ issues Logitech c615

Logitech c615 works fine with connected directly to Lenovo laptop. Does not work with UD-3900PDZ. Windows Device Manager just keeps thrashing trying to install c615. Sent Diag log from Plugable Diag tool to Plugable support.


Thank you for contacting us, I am sorry this is not working as expected and I am happy to help!

Thank you for also sending us a direct email with a PlugDebug ( https://plugable.com/support/plugdebug ) log file attached, I have replied back to your direct email with system-specific recommendations to see if this helps the web camera detection.

Please let me know if you have not received the direct email and we can proceed from here.

Thank you,

Plugable Technology

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We’re closing this thread due to inactivity, but if you have any further questions please feel free to contact support@plugable.com and we’ll be happy to help.


Plugable Technologies