Laptop won't recognize the dock

I cannot get my HP laptop running Windows 7 to recognize the docking station. I checked the device manager and get error message 43 - windows stopped due to known problems. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Ken,

Thanks for posting with the problem. Looking that up at, Error 43 in device manager is “Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)” typically because the device driver for that device has reported a critical error.

This is an unusual error to see for any of the USB devices in the dock - so we need to figure out what’s different about your situation.

Some quick questions we need for background: What model of HP laptop? Are you using drivers from Windows Update (automatic), from the CD, or ones you downloaded?

And the last question is the most important - the dock appears to Windows as collection of USB devices off a hub. We need to figure out which device has the yellow exclamation in device manager. Is the title of that device “Plugable UD-160-A” (which is the graphics function on the dock), or something else?

If it’s something else, could you go to the details tab of the device properties, select the “Hardware Ids” property, and let us know which device it is (see screenshot below).


Sorry you’re experiencing this problem! Thanks for answering the questions above as completely as you can - knowing these specifics is the key to figuring out what’s different here. Thank you!

Hi Bernie,

The laptop is HP Pavilion dv6 running Windows 7 Home premium 64 bit. I tried using both Windows Update and the cd drivers. The title of the device is unknown and under the hardware ids tab = USB/UNKNOWN.

Hi Ken,

Can you confirm if the audio and network interfaces on the dock are working? (is the problem just the graphics interface?).

Thank you!

Hi Bernie,
No, I can’t confirm because I can’t get my computer to recognize the dock. I have rebooted several times with no success.

Hi Bernie,

After another reboot it recognized the dock for a minute. I was able to confirm the audio worked from the dock shortly then the dock lost connection with the computer. Back to the beginning.

To Windows it may not be a matter of recognizing the whole dock or not – rather to Windows, the dock is a USB hub with several independent devices on it (audio, network, graphics, and usb ports).

What we’re trying to figure out is whether all devices are not showing in Windows (which might point to a problem with the dock’s AC power not being plugged in or similar), or just one device on the hub not working.

Here’s what a healthy dock looks like in Device Manager, with the devices on the Plugable dock circled:


But if it would be easier, please just email your Amazon order number to, and we’ll get in touch with you directly to talk through and resolve this. We understand that so many questions to understand the problem can be frustrating.

Thank you!

Thanks for the info on the reboot and audio also coming and going. It sounds like a loose power or USB connection to the dock, or in the dock.

When we talk with you directly, we’ll first try switching the dock’s power adapter to a different source (a different plug in the power strip or on the wall), also making sure the power plug into the dock isn’t wobbly.

And then try a different USB port to your PC - if rebooting is making any difference, then the power must be fine and USB connection is where to focus.

Hello Bernie,

I received the replacement unit today. I bought a new unit that didn’t work and it was replaced with a used unit with scratches. I don’t get the “warm and fuzzy” about this transaction. I will contact Amazon for a refund.

When we send replacement units for any suspected hardware
problem, we never send an unopened unit – rather always send a unit
that has been opened and tested here. It’s important in case there’s
still a problem – it lets us be sure whether a hardware or software
problem is the root cause.

We did a poor job setting that expectation here.

The replacement dock worked on Ken’s machine, but we understand if Ken goes for the return route.

Hi Bernie,

Are you sending me a replacement unit?

After speaking with Ken, it was clear all functions on the dock were coming up fine, then dropping off the USB bus after about a minute or two – without touching the PC or any cables.

Since we double-checked all the external cabling, this kind of behavior definitely points to a hardware problem inside the unit. We’re sending a replacement unit to Ken, and thank him for his patience while we get him fixed up!