I need my computer under XP to run with 1920x1080 resolution and that this plugable USB convert it to 4k 384x2160 with pixel doubling.
is that possible ?
I need my computer under XP to run with 1920x1080 resolution and that this plugable USB convert it to 4k 384x2160 with pixel doubling.
is that possible ?
Hi Zack,
Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, our UGA-4KHDMI adapter is not supported under Windows XP.
Thank you,
Plugable Technologies
do you have any product able to make pixel doubling . to keep a full HD resolution and display it on 4k monitor with pixel doubling ?
Hi Zack,
Unfortunately none of our 4K capable products are supported under Windows XP.
Thank you,
if I have windows 8.
do you have any product able to make pixel doubling . to keep a full HD resolution and display it on 4k monitor with pixel doubling ?
Hi Zack - Thanks for asking. Yes, a 1080p image will be shown on a 4K monitor with 4K physical pixels (interpolated or pixel doubling). No, the USB graphics adapter won’t be doing the work.
Background: Most monitors support a variety of pixel resolutions, even though ultimately the images shown can only be and will always be with the monitor’s native resolution. Monitors do this by scaling internally in hardware (typically using more sophisticated algorithms then pixel doubling). Because this scaling is done on the monitor, the graphics adapter (our UGA-4KHDMI in this case) can just set the best possible common resolution between the adapter and the monitor (which would be setting a 4K mode in this case). Then, if you play a 1080p movie Windows, it’s actually Windows (and the GPU) which will scale that content up to 4K pixel resolution. If you tell Windows explicitly to set a 1080p mode on the monitor, then it would be the monitor receiving a 1080p signal and scaling it up to show it on the screen which is physically 4K pixels. In neither case is the USB graphics adapter the one doing the scaling.
Hope that background helps, thanks!
Hi Bernie ,
you should do a USB product that just double the pixel.
you input a 1080p and you go out with a 4K .
it is just quad pixels out for one in.