how do i find out what usb port type i have?

How do I determine what type of USB port that I have so I order the correct plugable unit? I am interested in running 3 monitors on a win 7 and 3 monitors on a win 8.1

Hi James,

Thank you for porting the question here.

If you wanted to figure out which version of USB ports the system has, the best way is to check the PC specifications in the Internet or users manual. Normally under “Ports” or “Connectivity” section, the USB port information would be listed. If the PC was relatively old and it just said “USB”, most likely it’s USB 2.0.

And if you check the physical ports and saw blue color inside, it’s USB 3.0. (Not all the USB 3.0 ports are in blue, but if it’s blue, it’s definitely USB 3.0.)

I hope this helps!
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