Help! Tried everything but still "Waiting for connection"

I want to transfer files from an XP desktop to an 8.1 laptop. I have downloaded the drivers using the CD for one and from the web with the other; I have disabled the firewall on both and have tried all the USB ports but I am still getting “Waiting for connection”

Hi Henry,

Thank you for posting about your transfer cable. I’m sorry you are having troubles getting it to connect.

If you haven’t disabled the antivirus on both computers, please try disabling that too.

If this doesn’t work, we have a troubleshooting program that can help in cases like this. I would like to try it on the XP computer first, since the older computer is usually the troublesome one. Could you please plug the cable into the XP computer, then go to this page and follow the instructions there:

It will create a zip file on your desktop with your computer name. Please send it directly to our support email at

As soon as we get it, I will take a look at it.

