Gigabit ethernet USB-C adapter does not work on my 2017 MacBook Pro.

Downloaded drivers but they don’t seem to be installing. Laptop will not recognize the adapter.

Hello Jill,

Thank you for your message.

I’m sorry to hear about the problems getting the USBC-E1000 working on your Mac. I would like to help.

This is unfortunately a common issue on Mac systems. There are a few things needed to get the adapter working well, particularly when using a newer Mac, or newer version of macOS.

The basic gist of the steps needed to get things working well in most cases is the following.

• Download the latest drivers from ASIX. For the USB3-E1000 and USBC-E1000 the drivers are at:…

• Run the uninstaller script included with the drivers, using the instructions included with the drivers (PDF, page 11 as of this writing).

• Run the driver installer

In some cases you may also need to allow the driver installation to occur with Gatekeeper, be sure to evaluate our blog post at:…

I hope this helps. Please feel free to reply if you are still encountering issues and we’ll help look into this further.


Plugable Support