Font size slider grayed out

In the Customise your display window, the “Change the size of text, apps and other items:” is grayed out. When I disconnect the usb hub I can adjust this on my laptop for the direct screen, but cannot for the screen connected to the hub.

When “docked” I only use one screen. A Dell 3415w 3440x1440 connected via USB-c to an HP Spectre x360. Everything else seems to work fine, but I’d love to up the font size since the monitor is rather large.

Hi Sean, thanks for posting and I will be happy to help!

Thanks for the description of the issue you are seeing. I have not witnessed this before when using our docking station and I will be happy to help. When you have a moment, would you be able to let us know the model of the Plugable dock that you are using? You should be able to find the model noted on a sticker on the bottom of the dock.

Just to clarify, when you open Display Settings, the scaling bar to Change the size of text, apps and other items is grayed out and cannot be adjusted? While docked and with the monitor connected, are you able to click “Detect” within Display Settings and see if the scaling bar is then no longer gray?

Pending those results, an alternative method to adjust the text sizes within Windows can be to change the font sizes for specific portions of windows/icons. This guide –>… illustrates adjusting these font settings and mention it in case it could be useful for you as a workaround.

Please let us know those additional details and results from those tests at your convenience and we will go from there.

Thank you,

David W.
Plugable Technologies


Thank you for the response. This is the device I have

Ultcdl. I am using it to charge/connect to my laptop. Only the single 34" screen.


Sorry, forgot to add that I am familiar with the alternative method, but I use the computer on my lap as often as I do on the dock so having a quick method of resizing is critical.

Thanks for the replies, Sean. Could you clarify how the Dell monitor is configured within Display Settings? Would it be cloning the built-in laptop display or is it set to extended mode and it is recognized by Windows as a unique/independent display?

Thank you,

David W.
Plugable Technologies


I think I found a work around. First to answer your question. The system is set in the Multiple Display drop down to “Show only on 2” where monitor 2 is the Dell 3415. It is connected to the 4k output on the dock. It is my understanding from the manual that this is the only way to achieve that resolution.

The slider is grayed out on Monitor 2, but if I switch the drop down list to “show only on 1” 1 being the laptop built in monitor, the slider becomes ungrayed and I can move it. I then select monitor 2 in the drop down list and exit and all seems to be scaled. I find this interface rather strange however.


Hi Sean,

Thanks for the reply. To further clarify, while the Display Settings Multiple displays drop down menu is set to Show only on 2 and the scaling slider is grayed out, do you happen to have the monitor labeled 1 selected in the diagram at the top of Customise your display? I am able to recreate the behavior per your description and have attached the below screenshots.

  1. Within Display Settings. Multiple displays drop down set to “Show only on 2” with Monitor 1 selected in the diagram and the slider is grayed out.

  2. Within Display Settings. Multiple displays drop down set to “Show only on 2” with Monitor 2 selected in the diagram and the slider is available to modify.

Does selecting the “2” square within the diagram seem to help in changing the Display Scaling?

Thank you,

David W.
Plugable Technologies


It does. Thank you for solving a Microsoft problem. I really appreciate the help. Thought maybe I had to return the monitor or the dock all because the menu is labeled rather strange.
