Flashing screens with latest Windows 10 drivers

I am having the flashing screens with Windows 10 and M4 drivers as described on the home page. I have performed the workaround steps, and am still experiencing the flashing. I believe that the USB is staying connected, as the audio is not affected, and I never hear the connection notification sounds. I am using the Dual Display docking station UD-3900, and have monitors on both the HDMI and DVI. I am using this with a Surface Pro 3.

Hi Phil,

Thanks for posting and sorry for the frustration!  Others have his this problem, and there is a solution. We have all the details here:

In short, this problem happens when Windows’ display configuration in the registry is out of sync (which is rare, but happens sometimes), and then the DisplayLink 7.9 M4 driver intentionally stops and restarts when it sees that problem.  Earlier and later DisplayLink drivers were tolerant and dealt with it without trying to stop and restart.

The steps in the blog post (which fix the underlying registry problem) have fixed the issue in all instances we’ve seen so far. Please let us know by emailing support@plugable.com if this doesn’t fully solve it for you.

Thanks again for your patience!

I stated in my post that I had already tried those steps. I will do them again however, since it seems that you are expecting it to work with confidence. I will email support directly if the problem still remains. Thanks.