Firewire plugable transfer cable usb 3 conflicts with Windows Easy Transfer


My case is like this case!

But I didn’t see solution?

Can you help me to solve this problem?

The problem with few words is conflict between Firewire plugable transfer cable usb 3 software and Windows Easy Transfer, when I connect two computers with Firewire plugable transfer cable usb 3 and start to work with software for transfer files between two systems after 5 minutes for example Windows Easy Transfer appears and break communication between two systems…

What is your best practice to solve this problem in this situation?

The operating system is Windows 7.


Best Regards!

Taner Rasim

Hello Taner,

Thanks for reaching out to us! We have found that the program can often confuse the Bravura software, and suggest to make sure that only the Bravura software is open. I’d like to point you to an article from Microsoft that may be a starting point to uninstall, or at least disable the Windows Easy Transfer. I hope this helps, if you would, please give this a try and make sure that only the Bravura Easy Computer Sync Software is open. Please feel free to reach out to us directly at: and use Ticket #269678 as the subject and we’ll be here to help!

Thank you,

Plugable Support

Hello Taner,

Thanks again for reaching out to us! Again, I do apologize for the trouble with the Transfer Cable. I wanted to check in with you, and see how things were going? Please let us know if you are still in need of help. Feel free to reach out to us directly at:, and use Ticket #269678 as the subject.

Thank you, and I hope you have a great week!

Plugable Support

Hello, thank you for your support, I solved my problem with system modification process, I just renamed system file of Windows Easy Transfer to different name and I solve the conflict!


Hello Taner,

Thanks for the reply! Glad to see you worked things out! This is very interesting. I can see how this would work. Again, I am sorry that you had this trouble. Please let us know if anything comes up, and we’ll be here to help!

Thank you, and I hope you have a great week!

Plugable Support

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