Hi team! My TBT3-UDZ docking station’s HDMI ports stopped working after about 2 weeks of usage with 2 separate M1 Pro Macbook Pro’s.
I tried different ports on the docking station, different ports on my monitor, as well as different HDMI cables.
The model of the monitor is Samsung U32J59x.
Could you pls assist with this issue?
Thank you!
Hello there,
Thank you for reaching out to us on the forums!
I am sorry to hear that you are running into issues with your TBT3-UDZ, but I would be happy to help diagnose the issue.
First, can you confirm that you are trying to connect to your laptop using the included Thunderbolt 3 cable that came with your dock? We’ve seen issues arise when a third party cable is used.
Next, some steps we’ll want to take are to perform a power-cycle of the unit to reset its internal hub chipset. We’ve seen that this can often restore the dock back to a working state when one or more of its functions are not quite working. To do this, please follow these steps:
- Disconnect all USB peripherals and displays connected to the dock
- Disconnect the docking station from host machine, then disconnect the power adapter from power
- Leave unplugged for 1 minute for power to dissipate
- Connect docking station initially into power only
- Connect docking station to host machine, then connect USB peripherals and displays, then test for functionality
Please let me know if this helps at all.
Lastly, if the power cycle does not help, I’d like to request some logs from your device using our PlugDebug diagnostics tool. With everything still attached to the dock (even if it appears to not be working) please follow the instructions on our PlugDebug page and send the ZIP file back to us so we can take a look at the logs. We cannot exchange log files on the forums, so I’d ask that you reach out to us directly via email by sending the files to support@plugable.comwith the subject line, “Ticket #401164”.
Thank you!
Plugable Technologies
Hi Evan.
Yes, I am using the included Thunderbolt 3 cable that came with the dock.
Power-cycling the device resolved the issue.
What should I do if it keeps happening in the future?
Thank you!
Hello there,
Thank you for the response, and I am glad to hear that the power cycle helped out here!
Typically, we recommend users perform the power cycle as a first troubleshooting step, so if this issue comes up again, I would recommend performing another power cycle.
Hopefully a power cycle won’t be required every 2 weeks, but if it is required frequently, or the power cycles stop working, please feel free to reach back out and we’d be happy to dive deeper into the issue here.
Thank you,
Plugable Technologies
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