Equipment needed to keep Laptop closed running 3 Monitors in Extended Display Mode?

I have a Lenovo G560 Laptop with Micrsoft 2010 professional and Windows 7 Home premium. 4 gb ram 64 bit OS. I want to keep the laptop closed and have 3 extended desktop monitors (21.5 " LCDs, each with 15 pin D-Sub Connector, DVI-D Connector, and Vesa 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz.) What Plugable device or devices do I need?

Hi Mack,

Thanks for asking ahead! Yes, we have lots of users doing that kind of setup, and your machine is capable.

We’d recommend three of our USB-VGA-165 adapters… $49.95 . They support the monitors’ full 1920x1080 resolution.

Unless you have 3 free ports on the laptop, you’ll also want to get a hub like our… so you can have a single cable back to the laptop to connect the 3 displays (plus 4 other USB devices) with that one cable (no performance loss).

And even before the hardware arrives, you can set your PC to not sleep when the lid is closed. Here’s Microsoft instructions for that:…

Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any other questions. And let us know here if you have any problems (or if all’s well) once the setup is going.
