Driver crashing on Windows 10 - Causing freezing


I have a client who is using a UD-3900 on a brand-new Dell Inspiron 7756 running Windows 10. They have the latest graphics drivers and DisplayLink drivers installed. The device is plugged into a USB 3.0 port on the device.

Every few hours, the driver crashes, causing the entire system to freeze. This can only be cleared up by restarting the entire docking system. In Event Viewer, there is an error says “Pluggable driver went offline due to a ‘user-mode driver crash’”. I’ve re-installed the drivers to no effect.

Please let me know what other information you need to assist.

Hi Sam,

Thanks for posting!

I appreciate the clear details of the issue, as well as the troubleshooting you’ve already tried. To clarify, when you mention that the issue can only be resolved by “by restarting the entire docking system”, do you mean disconnecting the dock from the system? Or disconnecting the dock from its power?

Pending this clarification, I’d like to request some logs from the system in order to best investigate further.

Could you please keep the Plugable UD-3900 connected to the Dell system, then navigate to our PlugDebug tool and follow the instructions there?

This will create a ZIP file on the Desktop containing system logs and information. Please send this ZIP file to us directly at with the subject line: “Ticket #278323

Thanks for giving us as chance to help!


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