Docking Station Blinking Out

I have this Docking Station connected to a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) running 10.14. I’m using a HannsG VGA monitor and a AOC HDMI monitor along with the laptop screen. Also connected are speakers via the audio port with USB for power and a USB keyboard. Also connected is an Ethernet cable for network access.

I am regularly having what appears to be a power shutdown / blink on the Docking Station once or twice a day. Sometimes it happens repeatedly and sometimes it is one and done. The Docking Station appears to power down and then comes right back.

I saw the Dell computer thread about turning off the Wi-Fi connection so did that.

I am running the latest (beta?) driver for the Docking Station to be used with 10.14 OS/X. I had this problem occasionally prior to the update to 10.14 and the beta driver.

The only “feel” I have is that it appears to happen more frequently when I have my VMWare Fusion Windows virtual machine up and running.


Sorry to hear about this issue! I’d be happy to assist you.

For your HDMI monitor, which HDMI port is that one connected to? The “4K” HDMI or the “2K” HDMI port?

If it’s connected to the 2K, try moving that monitor to the 4K and seeing it it still is dropping off. That can help me determine what might be happening.

Thank you,
Joshua Henry
Plugable Technologies

Shifted this morning from the 4k to the 2k port for the HDMI monitor. I had a blink / drop off within 10 minutes.

Hi There,

Thank you so much for working through those troubleshooting steps for Josh. Just to make sure we have all of the right information, are you utilizing the original USB-C to USB-C cable that with the dock, or an alternate cable?

Does the issue only occur with HDMI based displays, or does the blinking also occur on the DVI based display?

Thank you for your patience,
Product Owner & Technical Support


First, the email you sent me has your Reply To address as

My response is: Yes, using the Pluggable cable from the unit to the MacBook Pro.

Everything shuts down on the blink event. It is as if the Pluggable device is powering off then back on. Even the laptop screen blinks out as it accumulates all the open windows to one screen and then when the Pluggable comes back alive the screens all refresh.

Hi There,

Due to this being an internal forum, all staff have a “” email address, which is why we attempt to make sure the support page is listed inside of our signatures when replying. This support page will have our support email ( available to anyone who wishes to contact us directly, outside of the thread.

I appreciate you clarifying that the correct cable is being utilized when connecting the docking station. When the blinking issue occurs, and everything disconnects, does the blue top light on the docking station flicker off, or does it stay solid?

Thank you for your patience,
Product Owner & Technical Support

The Pluggable unit is in a location where I can’t see it at this time. I’ll try to rearrange my work area so the blue light is visible. I’ll let you know.

Hi There,

Thank you so much for going through those steps to see if we can narrow down the issue. As soon as we can see if the power is dropping off from the dock, we may be able to work on having a replacement unit sent out as soon as possible to see if that will resolve the issue.

Thank you for your patience,
Product Owner & Technical Support

Thanks Marc. Since moving the unit from directly behind my HDMI monitor it has been more stable. There has been one drop out but it occurred when I was away from the system.


I’ll keep you monitoring and let you know if anything changes.

Hi There,

The issue could be related to interference, but it is a fairly difficult thing to narrow down, as well as resolve. For now, if the behavior seems to be less consistence, and is occurring less, the best thing we can do is see if the same behavior comes back in the same frequency.

Please let me know if you see any changes, or the problem continues to remain.

Thank you for your patience,
Product Owner & Technical Support