Displaylink Video Problem


I am running a Macbook with OS 10.6.8 and a DisplayLink Diamond BVU195 USB adapter with two Dell monitors - 1 connected via the DisplayLink, the other direct into the computer video port

I have tried all 3 DisplayLink monitor drivers and with each one encounter the same problem - that video replay freezes when the web browser is mover onto the USB DisplayLink drived screen

I have 4 other machines running the same config perfectly and have swapped out the cables, the DisplayLink box and swapped over the monitors to no effect

It’s driving me bonkers!

Anyone got any clues?


Hi Nengon-

Thanks for posting with your question.

As general advice, I’d recommend disabling hardware acceleration if you’re using chrome or firefox, as we’ve had reports from many customers that doing so resolved a variety of issues with their USB attached displays.

For any reproductible issue, I would also recommend checking DisplayLink’s forum for similar issues, and being active on the forum if a solution isn’t already posted:

Since we’re not aware of any issues that might affect Diamond adapters in specific (we are Plugable, our products are at http://plugable.com/products), contacting your device’s manufacturer is also recommended.

I hope this helps!

Best wishes-

Jeff Everett
Plugable Technologies