Disconnecting and reconnecting displays

I have a TBT3-UDZ connected to my Windows 11 Pro Dell Laptop.

When connected Windows detects that there are 2 additional screens connected. However, I only get output on my laptop and one additional screen.

All Dell updates are applied to my laptop and all Windows updates also.

If I change the refresh rate on the affected screen to 75Hz then the screen comes on, but constantly goes off again.

Laptop is a Dell Vostro 7510

Rebooting doesnt help, if I switch the monitors around the issue continues on the other screen instead. It seems display port 2 is the issue.

Hello Darren,

Thank you for contacting Plugable support! Sorry to hear about this issue. I’d be more than happy to assist you.

Thanks for having made sure to install the latest Dell and Windows provided updates. I would say for your Dell Vostro 7510 we should likely start by trying a newer Intel graphics driver as both Windows Update and the drivers direct from Dell are still several revisions behind what Intel is offering.

Here is the latest version direct from Intel: https://downloadmirror.intel.com/738230/gfx_win_101.3222_101.2111.exe ( vs from Dell)

We also would not recommend to use any refresh rate above 60Hz for any attached displays, if above 60Hz the results may be unstable. Though, it is interesting to hear trying 75Hz was the only way you were able to see the screen (despite it being intermittent).

If the newest Intel drivers alone do not help and your displays are already set to 60Hz, next we could try updating the firmware on the dock. We have the firmware update instructions on our FAQ page for the TBT3-UDZ, but for your convenience here is a direct link: https://kb.plugable.com/question/1475318

Please don’t hesitate to let us know of other questions.

Thanks again for contacting Plugable support and best wishes!

Joshua Henry
Senior Engineer | Product Owner
Plugable Technologies

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