Connection to laptop

My computer does not have a usb c port. It has a larger usb port only. Can you send another cable so I can connect from plugable to my laptop?

Hi William,

Thank you for contacting Plugable! I’m sorry the dock isn’t working as expected, and I’ll be happy to assist.

I see that you already contacted us via email in ticket # 417402, to which I’ve just responded. I’ll be happy to continue assisting in that email thread.

As a brief summary of my response: unfortunately the TBT3-UDZ requires a USB-C connection to the computer, so it will not work if your computer does not have USB-C. Since the dock isn’t compatible with your computer the best course of action would be to return it to the original place of purchase. We’d also be happy to make a recommendation for a dock that is compatible with your computer with some additional details within the email thread.

My apologies for the frustration, and thank you for giving us the chance to assist.

Plugable Technologies

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