Cheap tablet with 1 USB port, I can't charge & use wireless mouse Plugable 4 port hub

I have an iView SupraPad i700QW Intel Atom 1GB Memory 16GB 7.0" Touchscreen Tablet Windows 8.1. This tablet has only one micro USB slot and now power plug. The power supply connects thru this USB port.
I have an old Belkin powered USB hub that would allow the wireless mouse to function when not powered, when powered the tablet charges as long as the mouse transmitter is removed.
I bought your Plugable USB 2.0 4-port Hub with battery charging function. Unfortunately I have the same problem.
I have tried connecting to the tablet with the supplied mini-usb to USB-A attached to the tablet supplied micro-usb to USB-A female cable…this also did not work. I tried a micro-usb to USB-a cable plugged into one of the 4 standard USB ports.
Bottom line, I want to be able to power/charge the tablet while using a wireless mouse/keyboard.

Hey David,

Generally, the scenario you want won’t work except with a peripheral device specifically created to function this way. We do have a docking station that does this, but I can’t guarantee that it would work with your particular tablet.

I do have an idea though. Could you contact me at and mention ticket #99500 so we can discuss this?


Sam Morgan