I have recently moved from Windows to Mac (OS X 10.10.4) and am trying to get my Prolific PL2303 USB-to-serial adapter working (v_1_5_1 driver). I’ve followed the installation PDF successfully to the point where tty.usbserial is listed as expected in Terminal. My application (Golden Cheetah) cannot see my device (SRM cycle power control PCV), reporting that it’s unable to open the device on any baud rate at /dev/cu.usbserial. I appreciate that the application cannot be supported here, but are there any diagnostics beyond those below that I can perform to test the device and isolate where the issue is? (I am a Mac/Unix numpty so any instructions need to be pretty explicit please!)
Hardware is all proven and working fine on Windows 7.
System Profiler:
USB-Serial Controller D:
Product ID: 0x2303
Vendor ID: 0x067b (Prolific Technology, Inc.)
Version: 4.00
Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: Prolific Technology Inc.
Location ID: 0x14100000 / 13
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 100
kextstat | grep prolific
128 0 0xffffff7f8383b000 0x7000 0x7000 com.prolific.driver.PL2303 (1.5.1)
ioreg -c IOSerialBSDClient | grep usb
| | | | | “IOTTYBaseName” = “usbserial”
| | | | | “IOCalloutDevice” = “/dev/cu.usbserial”
| | | | | “IODialinDevice” = “/dev/tty.usbserial”
| | | | | “IOTTYDevice” = “usbserial"
ls /dev/*usbserial*
/dev/cu.usbserial /dev/tty.usbserial