Can I use this with Macbook Air M2 with one display?

I know this is a Thunderbolt 4 dock but I only need one monitor. Is it possible to use this doc with Macbook Air M2? Thank you!

Hello Adam,

Thank you for reaching out on the forum! I know you also reached out to us directly, so I will paste the response to that here for others’ reference:

Hello Adam,

Thank you for reaching out to Plugable Support! I would be happy to help answer your question.

The TBT4-UDX1 will still be compatible with the M2 MacBook Air and one monitor. The only functionality you lose out on is the dual monitor capabilities, which you are already aware of. All other functionalities should work as expected.

Of course if you do run into issues with your setup, please do not hesitate to reach back out and we’d be happy to help!

Thank you,

Plugable Technologies

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