Audio playback causes crash and restart

Frequently, when I play mp3 audio, my Plugable UD-3000 will “crash” and quickly restart. This often happens multiple times during play. When the “high intensity” audio stops, it works normally. It acts like it is overheating, becoming overloaded, or something similar.

I have external speakers plugged into the headphone jack on the unit. They plug into a subwoofer that has its own external power source; the audio jack comes from one of the speakers. Please let me know if there’s any other information you need. Thanks.

P.S. Same thing happens streaming Spotify.

Hi Rod,

Thanks for posting. Very strange behavior that you’re describing - curious to help get to the bottom of it.

We’ll want to collect some system logs which will hopefully give us a better idea of what’s going on with the dock. After you go through the playback and reboot, can you please run our log-gathering tool from the link below:

It will create a .zip file which can be emailed to Please put “Ticket 94731” in the subject line when sending it over, and we’ll have a look and see what the best approach will be.


Thanks Gary! I just sent the zip file.
