3rd monitor blue screen

I connected my Dell Latitude 5590 to the UD-ULTCDL docking station. First two monitors work fine, but the third monitor (Dell) that I connected to the DVI slot is coming up with a blue screen. The monitor is using its VGA slot and I’m using a VGA-to-DVI adapter. Any thoughts beyond downloading the latest drivers (will do, but a work laptop so don’t have admin rights so am waiting for desktop support).



Thank you for contacting Plugable support! Sorry to hear about this issue. I’d be more than happy to assist you.

Usually this kind of issue with VGA wouldn’t be driver related. Since you’re using the VGA to DVI adapter, it’s possible that for some reason the analog VGA signal isn’t getting through correctly. I’d reseat all of the DVI to VGA --> VGA cable --> Monitor VGA connections and make sure they’re all secure, and if the issue remains we’ll likely want to send you a replacement adapter to try.

If you have any spare adapters or cables, you can also try those, but I don’t expect you to necessarily have those on hand!

Please don’t hesitate to let us know of other questions.

Thanks again for contacting Plugable support and best wishes!

Joshua Henry

Senior Engineer | Product Owner
Plugable Technologies

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