12 monitors on HDMI

I am looking to setup a system with 12 monitors displaying predominantly scrolling images for advertising images.
Monitors will be connected with HDMI
these monitors will be aproximately 30 feet from the pc

What do you recommend from your product list and what are the requirements of the pc?

Hi @5wtiSteve,

Thanks for contacting Plugable suppport!

Unfortunately, we do not recommend nor support using 12 monitors with our products. Due to changes in the USB controller design, recreating this setup is no longer possible on most modern systems and not practical for normal use.

To be more transparent, our USB docks and graphics adapters use DisplayLink USB graphics technology, which is dependent on both the CPU and integrated graphics processor in your system to function. With each additional display, this requires more resources from the system. With that many adapters for 12 monitors, the performance may not meet your needs, and many modern USB 3.0 systems can limit how many USB devices can be connected to your system so you may run into a limitation that would prevent all of them working properly (this can happen with them directly connected or with a hub). If you’d like to learn more about this, we have a KB article about this limitation.

You may want to consider making use of a desktop system with multiple internal multi-output graphics cards to drive your 12 external displays. While we can’t provide any specific recommendations, I hope that may help as guidance.

Apologies if this sound overly negative, however we would rather lose a sale than cause a potential customer frustration with our products.

Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!

Plugable Technologies

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