DisplayLinkDriver can't be installed. The version of macOS is too new

Plugable USB-C Triple Monitor Docking Station (UD-ULTCDL) not working on MacBook Pro M2, on Sonoma 14.4.1. When trying to install DisplayLinkDriver, it displays error DisplayLinkDriver can’t be installed on this disk. The version of macOS is too new. Please let me know if anyone knows how to fix the issue.

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for contacting Plugable! I’m sorry the UD-ULTCDL isn’t working as expected, and I’ll be happy to assist.

The message “DisplayLink driver can’t be installed on this disk.” when trying to install usually happens if the DisplayLink driver is already installed and you are trying to install the same or older driver over top, or if you are trying to install a DisplayLink driver that is too old for the current operating system.

At the time of writing this message, the recommended version of the DisplayLink Manager is 1.9.0. You can find a download link for the current version & installation instructions here: https://plugable.com/products/ud-ultcdl#nav-get-started

In case this version also doesn’t want to install and the dock is still not working, our next step will be to gather some additional information. I see that you’ve already reached out to us over email as well, so we can work through the collection of that information and further troubleshooting there since these details include personally identifiable information.

Apologies for the frustration, and thank you for giving us the chance to help!

Plugable Technologies

This user has has two UD-ULTCDL, one at home and done at work. Same MacBook Pro is used on both Docks and the one at home works without issues. The dock at work is experiencing the issue described above. This MacBook has the DisplayLink Manager 1.9.0 installed already

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for providing that extra context.

Knowing that the same computer works with another UD-ULTCDL is helpful since that rules out a potential issue with the software.

I’ve sent some more questions to you over email to continue the troubleshooting process.

Thank you for your patience as we work through this.

Plugable Technologies