Wireless Mouse Hesitates w/Plugable USB 3.0 Hub and Windows 8

Why does my Wireless Logitech mouse hesitate and not respond to left button clicks sporadically.
Using Plugable USB 3.0 with Windows 8 on a Lenovo.


Thanks for posting your question here! Most wireless networks and mice, communicate at a frequency of 2.4GHz. When powered, a USB 3.0 port or device will generate significant broadband interference around the 2.4 GHz band, as part of it’s normal operation.

This severely reduces the range of any wireless keyboard/mouse dongles or wireless network adapter in close proximity to the USB 3.0 port through which the USB 3.0 device is connected, resulting in spotty performance and intermittent disconnects. Intel published the below white paper that talks about this issue in detail: http://www.usb.org/developers/whitepa…

Hence we always recommend connecting wireless keyboard/mouse dongles to a port on the system as far away as possible from a port to which a USB 3.0 device is connected.

Hope the above information helps! If you need any additional information, please do feel free to shoot us an email at support@plugable.com. We are here to help!
