Wireless dock for VGA laptop & 1920x1080 DVI monitor?

Do you have a wireless docking system that would let me use my 1920x1080 DVI monitor as a second monitor for my laptop? My laptop only has VGA.

In good weather I like to work at my laptop while sitting on my back porch. Connectivity to my wireless router is good, but being able to take the large screen out there would make it even better, as would a dock I could plug my usb printer into.

I had a wired docking system for a while, but it was just too crazy re-plugging in everything.



Thanks for posting and for your question!

Unfortunately we don’t have a wireless docking station. The technology is out there but when we tested it ourselves we weren’t that happy with the results and that’s why we have decided not to add any of those products to the Plugable line.

The closest we have that could help is the 10 meter extension cable that you could use with one of our docking stations.

Sorry we don’t have a better alternative for now!
