Windows 8.1 Plugable USB Bluetooth 4.0

Plugable USB Bluetooth 4.0 Micro adapter work with Windows 8.1!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in the hope that somebody can help :sunglasses:

Hi John,

Thank you for contacting us about your adapter. Iโ€™m sorry it isnโ€™t working for you.

We have a troubleshooting tool that can help find out what is going on in situations like this. With the Plugable Bluetooth adapter plugged into your computer, please go to this page, and follow the instructions there:

It will make a zip file on you desktop with your computer name. Please send that directly to our support email at Thanks!

Plugable Support

There was a driver for another Bluetooth adapter present. Removing the driver and resetting the speaker to the factory default resolved the issue.