refresh rate for Plugable UGA-2K-A at 1680x1050?

Is your Plugable UGA-2K-A able to support 1680x1050 at 75hz, with smooth video playback as needed? I need to know this because I cannot stand looking at my screen at 60hz.

Or does Plugable UGA-165 support 75hz at that resolution already?

Thanks for posting and asking ahead!

It sounds like a USB 2.0 graphics adapter isn’t a match for your needs – they’re great for regular web and applications, but we always recommend playing motion video (or 3D games) on your main monitor.

Even though the adapter itself is going to be refreshing the screen at the highest refresh the monitor supports in its EDID (1680x1050 @ 75Hz is possible with either the UGA-2K-A or UGA-165), it is transmitting the pixels that are changing over USB 2.0’s 480Mbps bus that will be the limiting factor.

We have more information and guidance on our product pages like

Sorry for the bad news, but hope that helps in making the best decision.

Thanks again,