Pairing Apple AirPods with BT 4.0 Adapter Not Working

Hi, I cannot get my airpods to work with the bluetooth usb 4.0 adapter. It says the driver is not found. I have installed the driver from the plugable website. Please advise. Thanks.


the airpods connect to the computer but there is no sound. !](](

I used a special driver emailed to me from plugable. I tried connecting a few times and still nothing. I left the airpods in my ears and was going to email them and was surprised about 60 seconds later to hear the chime in my ear and see that they were connected in the bluetooth device window. (I still heard nothing) I went to the sound window playback devices and it said that the headphones were disconnected (exactly as above). They would not connect there. I then disabled my speakers there and it still wouldn’t play sound. It said disconnected even though I knew I was connected. I had to leave and I took the airpods out of my ears and put them back in the case. They auto disconnected according to the bluetooth control window. When I came back and put them in my ear, they auto connected and auto switched to the “default device” in the sound playback device window and now they work.
Good Luck!

Hi Sam,

Thank you for posting! I’m glad you were able to get your AirPods connected.

Plugable Support