I have a 15" MacBook Pro running OS X 10.6.8; NOT 10.7 Lion. I also have two Apple Cinema Displays, not identical in size, but very close. Both displays are PRE-Thunderbolt, but do run off the Apple mini-display port as does the laptop. I would like to run both cinema displays and close the lid to my laptop. Does Plugable have any products / solutions to enable this? Thanks!
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for posting your question here! As long as you have one external monitor connected through the Apple mini-display port you would be able to connect a second one through a USB Graphics Adapter and be able to work on both when the laptop lid is closed.
As Apple Cinema Displays don’t have hardware scalars, if you could post back with the exact models or the native resolutions supported by them, we will be able to let you know which of our products would be the best match for it.
Hi Roze:
Thank you so much for the prompt and helpful response. I thought both monitors were MC007/LLA, but with different resolutions that can’t be. I am posting the supported resolutions of each below:
Monitor 1:
1920 x 1440
2048 x 1152 (Currently set to this with the laptop lid closed and the monitor connected to it via the mini-display port + power and usb cable)
2560 x 1440
Monitor 2:
1024 x 768 (stretched)
1280 x 800
1920 x 1200 (Preferred resolution when I plug into this monitor via the same manner)
If you can tell me exactly what to buy, how many and id*ot-proof install directions I would be most grateful.
Thanks again,
Thanks for the information! The native resolution of Monitor 1 is 2560x1440 which is not supported by USB Graphics currently.
The native resolution of Monitor 2 is 1920x1200 which is supported by our Plugable UGA-2K-A via DVI or HDMI only.
So could you quickly check and let us know if Monitor 2 supports DVI or HDMI input or not?
So could I use Monitor 1 directly with the laptop and use one of your parts with Monitor 2?
Monitor 2 out of the box only has USB and the mini-display ports, but I think I can get an adapter to make monitor 2 DVI compatible? Can you look at this link and tell me if this adapter would work with your part to get the supported 1920 x 1200 working?
I don’t understand much of the specs, but it looks like I could connect the mini-display port and USB cable from Monitor 2 into this part and then this part into your part??? How would your part connect to my laptop for the signal?
Although our Plugable UGA-2K-A can be physically connected to the product in the link given above, we’ve had reports in past that DVI to mini-display port converters do not work well in combination to USB Graphics. So I cannot say with any confidence that it would work. Sorry about that!
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the candor and after the investments I have made in this stuff, it may make sense to go in another direction. Can you recommend two identical 24 or 27" monitors that can work with your part AND my laptop as described above? I must go too a dual monitor set-up in my office and can eBay the cinema displays. These things, even used, sell for a fortune. ;-))
For the dual monitor setup to work on a Mac in clamshell mode (with the lid closed), one monitor has to be connected via the mini-display port. You could continue to use one of the Apple Cinema Displays.So you only need to get one additional monitor whose native resolution is 1920x1080.
This is a common resolution that is supported on VGA and DVI on our Plugable UGA-2K-A. Resolutions higher than 1920 x1080 and up to 2048×1152 are only supported via DVI.
If you let us know the make and model(s) of the monitors you intend to buy, we’d be glad to confirm if the resolutions are supported by our product and if we see any potential issues at all.
From my iPad, so excuse briefness. What do you think of these monitors, 1920x1080 out of the box. I will buy two identical, but again, too be used with my MacBook Pro with mini display port.
1). http://www.google.com/products/catalo…
2). http://www.google.com/products/catalo…
Any of the three monitors listed would work with our Plugable UGA-2K-A and we don’t see any potential issues at all.
As you would be connecting one monitor through the mini-display port, you would need to buy one unit of our Plugable UGA-2K-A to connect the second monitor.
As our Plugable UGA-2K-A has the DisplayLink chipset DL-195 inside, you need to install the DisplayLink drivers on the Mac. The drivers and the install guide can be downloaded from the following link-: DisplayLink Drivers.
Do feel free to post back here or shoot us an email at support@plugable.com. if you need any additional information. We are here to help!