just bought Plugable...it doesn't work

just installed Plugable on my PC - Windows XP machine. PC does not recognize under Device Disk Management

In fact unit is on, HD is plugged into slot and i don’t even think the HD is spinning. Please advise immediately.

Hi Bob - Thanks for contacting us. We’ll be able to help:

I assume you have our USB3-SATA-U3 SATAdocking station:

Quick questions:

* Is the green LED on the front lit? If not, check power and power switch.
* Is this a USB 3.0 XP machine? If you use the (included) USB 2.0 cable with our dock, are the results any different?
* What’s the background on the SATA drive being used – is it known to be working, what size, and was it last formatted and used on a Windows XP box?

There are some special filesystem differences between Windows XP and later Vista/7/8 versions, that mostly impact maximum size of partition – we’ll also want to be on the lookout for that.

Thanks for this additional info! We’ll figure out what’s going on.
