Is there a trick to getting the original 10 port, USB 3.0 48W hitting on all cylinders? Great product, feel I'm doing something stupid.

I’ve had the USB 3.0 10 port since… a long time. Has always seemed to work well, my set up is pretty basic – a Mac Book Pro, and a few large HD’s I’ve partitioned into seven. Recently I was checking out the Apple system report, and found most of my drives (almost all) were running on 2.0. I eset the PRAM/SMC and was careful about plugging it in, but still seems to be a problem.
Do I need to plug them in clockwise or counterclockwise, or staggered like you do with lugs nut on a tire (for those who might know what that it is). Looking forward to anyone’s input – Thx RJ

Hello Ray,

Thank you for contacting Plugable support! Sorry to hear about this issue. I’d be more than happy to assist you.

Have you already tried power cycling the hub? If you haven’t already done so, fully unplug the hub from all devices, power, and USB cable to the host computer. Wait about 30-60 seconds, then reconnect the power cable first, USB host cable next, and USB devices last. Sometimes a reset in this order can resolve this issue.

If that fails, we may need to look into a pretested replacement for you. Though there are some additional troubleshooting steps that we can consider first.

I’d take one of your drives that is working in 3.0 mode and try it on a port where another drive is only working in 2.0 mode. That way we can narrow down if this is a port problem or perhaps some kind of incompatibility.

Please don’t hesitate to let us know of other questions.

Thanks again for contacting Plugable support and best wishes!

Joshua Henry
Plugable Technologies

I power cycled it and it cam close – everything supposed to be 3.0 was, except for my OWC mercury Elite Drive. I tried it again following your instructions to the and the results were mixed. I even tried a “known” 2.0 port with a 3.0… that worked. I fiddle with it some more tomorrow.

Hi Ray,

Thanks for giving it a try. If you’d like to try that pretested replacement I mentioned email my directly at with your Amazon Order ID #, serial # off the bottom of the hub (if there is one), and the best shipping address.
