how do I transfer email? I was not shown on the file trans page. I amtrans. from 7 to 10.

Also, there is other files, folders, etc. in addition to email not trans.
Any help?

Hi Charles,

Thank you for posting your question about the transfer cable. The cable does not transfer mail automatically because of the wide range of possible combinations of email programs and Windows versions. However, I can probably help you do it.

Could you please tell me the email program and version number you are using on each computer?

Thank you,

Plugable Support

Hello David, thank you for responding. I am more than limited on
knowledge of solving pc problems. The email (on my wife’s ) desk top is: also aka (WOW) she has windows 7 using
transfer cable to new pc running windows 10. Her email add. for
an example is

Thank you for your help.

Hi Charles,

Thank you for your answer. Since that is a web email interface, there are probably no emails stored on her computer. She should be able to just log in from the new computer and be OK. If she has saved emails, they should transfer over with the other files if she has saved them in her documents folder.

Plugable Support

Hi Charles. I’m going to close this ticket since we haven’t heard back. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us directly at