External display disconnects LAN?

I have windows 7 and the setup is modem to router, router to laptop, laptop to tv (via HDMI). When i turn my laptop on everything is fine ethernet and lan works perfect, then i turn my tv on for better and larger display. after roughly 10 minutes my LAN light turns off and disconnects every device used by my router forcing me to restart modem. Is this a router problem (outdated, not compatible ect…) or a connection problem?

Hi Aaron,

Thank you for posting your question.

It is hard to come to a conclusion without knowing more about your setup.Could you please tell me how you are making the connection between the router and the laptop and between the laptop and the TV? Are any of them Plugable products? Naturally, we know those best.


Plugable Support

Hi Aaron,
We haven’t heard back, so we are going to close this thread. If you still need our help, please contact us directly at support@plugable.com.

