Display installer not compatible with intel HD graphics 4000 graphics driver

I have a plugable dock 3900 and a samsung series 9 laptop. When installing displaylink, I get a message that says displaylink staller has detected that your intel® HD Graphics 4000 Graphics Driver could have compatibility issues when used with Displaylink software… after which I installed anyways and none of the USB ports on the dock work.

Hi Tonghun,

Thanks for posting. I’m sorry the dock isn’t working properly for you. I’d be happy to help.

Please try removing the power adapter from the dock for about 30 seconds and then plug it back in again as resetting the dock may fix the USB ports being inactive.

When the DisplayLink driver installation process runs it checks the age of some of the drivers in your system to ensure compatibility. The message you received indicates that your Intel graphics drivers may be out of date and may not provide the ideal experience. Your USB drivers may be older as well.

I would like to get more details about your setup so I can see exactly what drivers are loaded. We have developed a utility called PlugDebug which gathers some information about your system. It is available from this link:


At your convenience if you would follow the instructions on that page for your operating system and send the .ZIP file that the application creates to support@plugable.com with ‘Ticket 86068’ in the subject line. Once I have the file we can determine the next steps.

Thank you,

Plugable Technologies