Cant print over ethernet using USB3-ethernet adapter.

MAC AIRBOOK OSX 10.8 usb3-gigabit ethernet adapter-gets onto internet via the ethernet ok but will not print documents (pages) or pdf from internet-get an "Error Name: undefined/various COMMAND letters and OPERATION STACK either blank or 30720. Any ideas re how to get it to print via ethernet (our other computer does and previous ones did) on our Brother Laser printer 5070N-it does print via direct USB-computer connection.

Hi Gerald-

Thanks for posting with your question!

First, the good news is that I print from OS X systems using the USB3-E1000 to a similar Brother printer routinely, and expect we’ll be able to find some solution for this since it works in tests here.

My first instinct is that this may be an issue with the “Bounjour” protocol Apple uses for several network services like TimeMachine, AirPlay, etc. We’ve seen some similar issues in the past.

As a first test, can you please try opening a simple.txt file in text edit (command key+space, type “textedit” and select from list), entering just a few letters, “test” is perfect, and try printing that?

If that is working and printing other “complex” documents aren’t, we have a troubleshooting tool that helps us find out what is going on in situations like this.

While connected via the USB3-E1000, go to this page and follow the instructions there- for your own privacy, please be sure to attach the response in a reply to and do *not* post the file back to our public internet forum:

These additional details will help in recommending the right steps.

Best wishes-

Jeff Everett
Plugable Technologies

For public record, the cause of the errors seen here:

"ERROR NAME: undefined

COMMAND: -12345X@PJL 2nd attempt: Xq ky 3rd attempt 3 4th attempt 7

OPERAND STACK 3rd attempt 30720 4th attempt 30720

Was determined to be the Brother printer driver.

The solution- as posted by user “Pahu” is to use a different printer driver:

"Those pages you are getting are Postscript errors. The Brother web site shows that this model supports their proprietary BR-Script3, which is the Brother version of Postscript. The web site also shows this printer supports PCL6. So you still have the option to add an alternate driver on 10.8 and I would recommend you try the Generic PCL Laser driver that is included with the OS. To do this, remove the current printer and select to add again. But when you click the plus button in Print and Scan, don’t click on the Brother if it appears in the small window with a heading of Nearby Printers. Instead, within this window you will see Add Printer or Scanner. Click this to open the Add printer window which will typically be set to the Default view. If not, select the Default icon. From this window you will most likely see the Brother. Select it and then look at the Use menu near the bottom. This will probably automatically select the Brother PS driver. Click on this drop menu and select the Generic PCL Laser driver. Click Add to complete the printer creation and then see if this driver will let you print.

Note that this Generic PCL driver is set to 300dpi as a default, but you can increase the resolution to 600dpi via the print dialog."…

Hope this helps others seeing similar issues!


Jeff Everett
Plugable Technologies