Availability on Amazon

When is your UGA-2K-A going to be available on Amazon again?

Yes, we’re sad, too. The UGA-2K-A has been out of stock for 4 days now.

Several hundred units are sitting at the receiving dock of our Amazon warehouse - caught in the holiday rush of sellers stocking up.

We don’t have an estimate of when Amazon will get that inventory processed. We were hoping for today, but it’s looking like Wednesday at the earliest.

We’ll post updates on our twitter feed when units are back in stock: http://twitter.com/#!/plugable

Our apologies for this delay! It hurts us to know customers who are looking for the product aren’t able to order it. Thank you for going out of your way for us!


We’ve now got plenty of UGA-2K-A units back in stock at Amazon, ready for next day shipping. For anyone who was stuck waiting, our apologies and thanks for your patience!